If you’ve followed my project Inexpire, you’ll know I originally was building it using a React static site backed by AWS DynamoDB and Lambda. After a short while without making any significant progress, I switched back to my comfort zone (Rails) and hammered out a working app using technology I was more familiar with. Well, I’ve given it another shot…
Adding text to an image… how hard could it be? Turns out not that hard, but still quite complicated. Here‘s the story behind Memendous.com. Concepts used:AWS Lambda/API Gateway/S3A custom Lambda LayerServerless FrameworkPython 3.x with Pillow (for the backend Lambda)Vanilla JS/HTML for the front endAWS Amplify for hosting I‘ve been looking for more serverless projects to get under my belt, and…
AWS Lambda ships with some software packages pre-installed, depending on which language runtime you pick. But what if you need something else? Typically in a serverfull environment you would install the package (or add it to your Cloudformation/Terraform/etc scripts) and be done with it. But in Lambda your options are a bit more limited. You can‘t just install something and…